 September 2024
  •  Ryan Morgan (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) and C. Nataraj, “Physiology-directed Epinephrine Dosing in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (PEDICA)”, National Institutes of Health, $565,058, September 2024-July 2029.

  •  C. Nataraj and Robert Sutton (CHOP), “Evaluating and improving the efficacy of Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (E-CPR) in pediatric patients using interactive Machine Learning”, National Institutes of Health, $222,462, January 2024-December 2025.

 August 2024
  •  C. Nataraj, “Diagnostics of Engineering & Biomedical Systems A Perspective from Two Decades of Research, Distinguished Institute Lecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, August 16, 2024.

  •  C. Nataraj, “ADAPTIVE MODELING FOR DESIGN INTEGRATING NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL RESPONSE”, Invited Talk at International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024), Daegu, South Korea, August 29, 2024. [Co-authors: Zihan Liu and Prashant N. Kambali]

 July 2024
 May 2024
  •  C. Nataraj, “Machinery Diagnostics with Physics and Machine Learning”, Keynote at ASNT’s MFPT Annual Conference (ASNT), Virginia Beach, VA, May 9, 2024.

  •  Dr. Nataraj Co-organized (with Jim O’Brien and Garrett Clayton) MATE Underwater Robotics Competition, with about 100 high and middle school students, May 11, 2024.

  •  Utkarsh presented his work on crack severity estimation in rotating shafts and Dr. Nat gave a keynote speech at the MFPT (machine failure prevention technology) 2024 conference held in Virginia Beach" on 7 May 2024.

 August 2023
 July 2023
  • Amirhassan Abbasi, graduating PhD student from VCADS, started work at Ford Motor Company as a Machine Learning Engineer in their electrical vehicle division. Congratulations Amir!

  • Sadra Hemmati, current PhD student at VCADS, started work at Boeing Company in Seattle as a Systems Modeling Engineer and will continue his PhD part-time. Congratulations Sadra!

 May 2023
  April 2023
 January 2021

 Dr.Nataraj, taught a Springer Nature workshop on writing academic papers

 December 2020

 Turki Haj Mohamad joined PARC, a Xerox Company as a data scientist in system analytics

 July 2020
 April 2020
 January 2020
  •  Journal paper accepted on Nonlinear dynamic analysis of Composite Structures

    Our paper on Nonlinear dynamic analysis of Composite Structures has been accepted. Singh, Simran J., C. Nataraj, and Suraj P. Harsha. "Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a sandwich plate with S-FGM face sheets and homogeneous core subjected to harmonic excitation." Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 2020.

  December 2019
  November 2019
  October 2019
 July 2019
 April 2019
 March 2019
 February 2019
  •   Dr. Nataraj delivered an invited speech at IBM Think Conference

    Dr. Nataraj was invited to give a speech at IBM Think Conference on “How a team of Engineers and Doctors solved a longstanding analytics problem in Pediatric Medicine” on February 13, 2019.

  •   Dr. Nataraj delivered an invited speech at Livongo Health

    Dr. Nataraj was invited to give a lecture at Livongo Health, Santa Clara, CA on “Biomedical Diagnostics: An Engineering Scientist’s Perspective” on February 11, 2019.

  •  VCADS co-organized MATE

    VCADS co-organized a large outreach event called MATE. Middle and high school students from scores of schools in the East Coast competed to build tethered rovers for undersea operations. The winners go on to the international competition. About 350 students participated in the event; our event is the largest regional MATE competition in the world. It was funded by an endowment to VCADS from Paul Trumpler Foundation.

 January 2019
  December 2018
 November 2018
 October 2018
 September 2018
  August 2018
 July 2018
 June 2018
 May 2018
  •   Dr. Foad Nazari joined VCADS as postdoc

    Dr. Foad Nazari, an expert in Structural Health Monitoring, Machine Learning and Dynamic Analysis joined VCADS on May 24, 2018. Dr. Nazari will contribute to VCADS projects on Diagnostic Health Management.

 April 2018
  •   Journal paper on diagnostics accepted in JVA

    Our paper on application of EPST for diagnostics of multiple faults in rolling element bearings has been accepted. Turki Haj-Mohamad, Mohsen Samadani and C. Nataraj, “ROLLING ELEMENT BEARING DIAGNOSTICS USING EXTENDED PHASE SPACE TOPOLOGY,” 2018.

 March 2018
 February 2018
  •   Seminar at Temple University

    Dr. Nataraj delivered an invited seminar at Temple University Department of Mechanical Engineering on some recent VCADS research. February 9, 2018

  •  Talk on ranked set sampling

    Professor Yimin Zhang from the Department of Statistics gave an invited talk on ranked set sampling to the VCADS group. February 14, 2018.

 January 2018
  •  Journal paper on nonlinear modeling of bearings

    Our paper on nonlinear dynamical analysis of rotor-bearing systems has been accepted for publication in Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. Daniel Maraini and C. Nataraj, “Nonlinear Analysis of a Rotor-Bearing System using Describing Functions,” 2018.

  •  Research agreement with Kitware

    VCADS has signed a research agreement with Kitware and will explore collaborative research in developing appropriate models for biomedical applications such as personalized medicine.

  •  Dr. Nataraj serves as an Advisor for AEEC Innovation Lab, Fairfax, VA

    Dr. Nataraj serves as an Advisor for AEEC Innovation Lab located in Fairfax, VA. AEEC and VCADS have signed a collaborative agreement. AEEC's Innovation Lab is a hands-on environment with multiple cloud computing esources. It is especially useful for machine learning and data analytics and is open to universities.

 December 2017
  •  Anderson presents paper at Machine Learning Conference

    PhD student Anderson Lebbad presented a paper at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications in Cancun, Mexico, December 2017. This paper concerns our EOD work on Classification of UXO using convolutional networks. The project is in collaboration with Golden West Humanitarian Foundation, and is funded by the US Department of State. Anderson is co-advised by Dr. Garrett Clayton.

  •  Michael Benson presents paper at RobotX Symposium

    PhD student Michael Benson presented a paper at the RobotX symposium held in Sydney, Australia, December 2017. This paper is co-authored by Anderson Lebbad, J. Wesley Anderson, Garrett Clayton and C. Nataraj, and concerns several problems associated with vision-guided navigation of autonomous surface vehicles. Mike is advised by Dr. Clayton.

 November 2017
  •  Grant received for Indo-US Workshop

    In collaboration with the Dr. Kota Harinarayana of Aeronautical Society of India, VCADS received a grant from Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF). The workshop is on Emergency Medical Delivery Systems Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems. This workshop/brain-storming session will involve 10 US and 15 Indian selected medical and engineering researchers who will come together in Bengaluru, India.

  •  Dr. Nataraj nominated editor of Nonlinear Dynamics

    Dr. Nataraj has been nominated to the editorial board of the prominent journal, Nonlinear Dynamics, and will start his term in January 2018. He will be a Subject Editor for analytical methods and rotor dynamics.

  •  Dr. Nataraj visits AEEC Innovation Lab

    Dr. Nataraj visited the AEEC Innovation Lab located in Fairfax, VA. Dr. Nataraj serves as an Advisor for this unique lab. AEEC's Innovation Lab is a hands-on environment with multiple cloud computing resources. It is especially useful for machine learning and data analytics and is open to universities. Please contact Dr. Nataraj if you are interested.

  •  Villanova participates in NAE GCSP Conference

    Dr. Nataraj represented Villanova's College of Engineering at the National Academy of Engineering's Grand Challenge Scholars Program, held in Washington, DC in November 2017. The key idea is to develop educational programs in engineering that help educate (at least some of) the students to meet the Grand Challenges of Engineering. Villanova will likely be an active partner next year.

  •  CPR research presented at IEEE HI-POCT Conference

    Dr. Nataraj presented a paper at the IEEE/NIH Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies (HI-POCT) held in Bethesda from November 6-8, 2017. The paper represents PhD student Dieter Bender's work on classification of asphyxia & ventricular fibrillation induced cardiac arrest during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and could lead to a breakthrough in the way CPR is delivered in the future.

  •  Dr. Nataraj gives invited talk at MBARI

    Dr. Nataraj was invited to give a seminar at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) on November 1, 2017. Dr. Nataraj presented some recent research results in diagnostics but also talked about autonomous vehicles. VCADS and MBARI are the process of starting a collaborative project in underwater vehicles.

 October 2017
  •  Dr. Nataraj elected local chair for PHM conference

    Dr. Nataraj has been elected to be the Local Chair for the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society. The popular PHM conference will be held from September 24th to 27th, 2018 at the Double Tree Hilton in Philadelphia.

  •  Dr. Ali Jalali joins Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Dr. Ali Jalali, a PhD student/postdoc alum of VCADS has joined Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida. He will be working as a Data Scientist with the research group of Dr. Mohamed Rehman on predictive analytics for pediatric problems. We congratulate him and wish him every success in his new job!

  •  Dr. Nataraj elected Conference Chair for VETOMAC

    Dr. Nataraj has been elected to be the general Conference Chair for the 15th VETOMAC. VETOMAC is the International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology Of Machinery and is held every year. This conference will be held in September 2019 in the Philadelphia area. The 14th is being held in Lisbon, Portugal in 2018.

  •  Journal paper on marine vehicle control published

    We published a paper in Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. C. A. Kitio Kwuimy and C. Nataraj, "Nonlinear analysis of the yaw motion of a mariner vehicle under PDμ control", Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 531-545, October 2017.

    Here is a link to the paper.

  •  ONR Grantee Conference

    Dr. Nataraj attended the Office of Naval Research Grantee Conference, and presented a one-hour summary of VCADS research results focusing on diagnostics of nonlinear systems. The conference was held from October 31st to November 3rd at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA.

  •  VCADS Hosts IEEE Distinguished Lecture

    VCADS, in collaboration with IEEE, co-organized a fascinating lecture, "Practical Adaptive Control" by Dr. Anuradha Annaswamy. Dr. Annaswamy is director of the Active-adaptive control lab at MIT. The lecture was held on October 18, 2017 and drew many faculty and students as well as practicing engineers from the industry.

  •  Research presented at PHM Conference

    Dr. Nataraj presented a paper at the Annual Meeting of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society held in St. Petersburg, FL from October 2-5, 2017. The paper represents PhD student Turki Haj-Mohamad's work on gear diagnostics. We used data from an experimental helicopter gearbox set at the United Technologies Research Center and adapted Phase Space Topology with some extensions. This has led to the development of a new method that we call the EPST procedure with very promising results.

 August 2017
  •  Chris Hsu joins ARL

    VCADS student researcher Christopher Hsu has joined Army Research Lab at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and will be working as an engineer in the Vehicle Technologies Directorate. Chris was a dynamite researcher and trained on machine learning and vibration diagnostics at VCADS and will be doing similar things at ARL.

    We congratulate him and wish him a lot of luck!

  •  Paper presented on multiple fault diagnostics at ASME conference

    Dr. Nataraj presented a paper at the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH. The paper was based on the PhD research of Turki Haj-Mohamad, and was titled "Discrimination of multiple faults in bearings using density based orthogonal functions of the time response." Dr. Nataraj was also a Symposium Organizer and organized the sessions on Rotating Systems.

 July 2017
 June 2017
 May 2017
  •  Dr. Nataraj delivers TED-style talk at alumni reunion

    Dr. Nataraj traveled with Dean Gary Gabriele to Houston to meet with many energized alumni and to deliver a TED-style talk describing VCADS research on biomedical diagnostics and the solution of the long-standing medical puzzle of predicting periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) on May 23, 2017.

 April 2017
  •  Dr. Ed Kim delivers lecture at VCADS

    Dr. Edward Kim from the Department of Computing Sciences delivered a lecture at VCADS on April 26, 2017. His interesting talk focused on the concept and approaches of deep learning and convolutional networks followed by an animated discussion.

  •  MATE competition attracts over 300 students

    VCADS, in collaboration with the Mechanical Engineering department and Philadelphia Robotics, hosted the Midatlantic regional MATE competitionon April 15, 2017 for the sixth year in a row. It is a large, vibrant K-12 STEM activity, and challenges the students to spend almost a year designing and building remotely operated underwater vehicles. We are proud to be one of the largest regional competitions. Generous financial support was provided by Air Products Foundation, and material support was provided by VideoRay.

  •  Dr. Nataraj delivers invited lecture at ARL

    Dr. Nataraj delivered an invited lecture at Army Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, MD on April 7, 2017. He was also given a tour of the vast facilities at ARL. VCADS and ARL will be signing a Cooperative Research Agreement shortly.

 March 2017
 February 2017
  •  Journal paper published on CPR modeling

    We published the results of model development for CPR in Journal of Medical Systems. We believe this is simply the best model out there and will hopefully pave the way for better outcomes.

    Ali Jalali, Vinay Nadkarni, Robert Berg, and C. Nataraj, "A novel nonlinear mathematical model of thoracic wall mechanics during cardiopulmonary resuscitation based on a porcine model of cardiac arrest," Vol. 41 No. 20, February 2017.

    Here is a link to the paper.

  •  Sustainable Engineering lecture at VCADS

    Dr. Ross Lee and Prof. Bill Lorenz delivered a lecture on February 22, 2017 on the problems in the evolving field of sustainable engineering which spawned an animated discussion of possible ways that VCADS could help them solve problems.

  •  Dr. Nataraj delivers invited talk at ONR Controls conference

    Dr. Nataraj delivered an invited talk at the Office of Naval Research Controls Conference held in Columbia, SC, February 15-17, 2017. His talk concerned linear time varying control algorithms with an application to unmanned surface vehicles.

 January 2017
  •  Journal paper honoring Prof. Nayfeh published

    We published a paper in The Franklin Institute. C. Nataraj, "2014 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering presented to Ali Hasan Nayfeh, Ph.D. of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, University of Jordan Amman, Jordan", Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 354, No. 1, pp. 32-38, January 2017.

    This paper celebrates the lifetime contributions of Late Professor Ali Nayfeh.Here is a link to the paper.

  •  Dr. Mohsen Samadani graduates and joins Amsted Rail

    Mohsen Samadani successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled "Physics-based and data-driven algorithms for diagnostics of nonlinear dynamic systems" on January 12, 2017. Dr. Samadani has joined Amsted Rail as a diagnostics research engineer and will be developing predictive analytic algorithms for the rail industry.

    We congratulate him and wish him much luck!

 November 2016
  •  Journal paper on PST for nonlinear diagnostics published

    We published a paper in Nonlinear Dynamics based on the work by PhD student Mohsen Samadani. This represents a new method invented at VCADS. Mohsen Samadani, C. A. Kitio Kwuimy, and C. Nataraj, "Characterization of the nonlinear response of defective multi-DOF oscillators using the method of phase space topology (PST)," Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 2023-2034, November 2016.

    Here is a link to the paper.

 September 2016
 August 2016
  •  Journal paper published on intubation detection

    This paper provides an intelligent algorithm to reduce errors during intubation and is based on the work we carried out in collaboration with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. This is the subject also of a pending patent. Ali Jalali, Arul M. Lingappan, Mohamed Rehman, and C. Nataraj "Automatic detection of endotracheal intubation during the anesthesia procedure.," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 138, No. 11, pp. 111013-1-111013-8, August 2016.

    Here is a link to the paper.

 April 2016
  •  Journal paper published on coupled valve optimization

    This paper carries out energy optimization of coupled smart valves used in ships and submarines.

    Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Miroslav Krstic, and C. Nataraj, "Design optimization of dynamically coupled actuated butterfly valves subject to a sudden contraction," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, No. 4, pp. 041402-1:041402-11, April 2016.

    Here is a link to the paper.

 November 2015
  •  Dr. Nat's TEDx talk: "How engineers can help doctors save lives"

    In "How engineers can help doctors save lives", Dr. Nataraj describes the human body as a complex dynamic system that cannot be fully understood by conventional medical diagnostics. Given the diversity of the human race, it is difficult to define "normal" and as a result, millions of patients are incorrectly diagnosed each year, leading to unnecessary treatments and death.

    Dr. Nataraj believes engineers can offer a solution: "physics, mathematics and computer algorithms can be used effectively and intelligently to make this situation a whole lot better," he says.

    During his talk, Dr. Nataraj discussed these ideas and shared results from research he is conducting with the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

    In collaboration with CHOP doctors, he is applying a machinery diagnostic approach to studying data on periventricular leukomalacia, a mysterious neurological damage that occurs in neonates.

    Please click here to watch the talk and click here to read the original article published in the VU College of Engineering News Room.

  •  VCADS article ranked in the top 5

    An article in the year book of International Medical Informatics Association has compiled 1,254 papers on the medical decision making systems and ranked the top 25 papers. In the category of decision support systems for a complex clinical conditions 5 papers were ranked at the top, including a paper co-authored by Dr. Jalali and Dr. Nataraj with collaboration with Dr. Daniel Licht atChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

    The paper was entitled "Prediction of periventricular leukomalacia occurrence in neonates after heart surgery" and published in the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

    Please click here to read the report.

 October 2015