Edward Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Office : Mendel Hall Rm 165 B
Phone : +1 (610) 519-8695
Email : edward.kim@villanova.edu
Academic website : http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~ekim/
Short Bio

Edward Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Computing Sciences department at Villanova University. His general interests are on the areas of computer graphics and computer vision. He currently conducts research in visual computing, both in generating digital imagery and in interpreting multimedia. He applies his research towards applications of image analysis and retrieval on large scale web collections and medical image databases. He also collects, analyzes, and visualizes data through game environments and interactive multimedia. Dr. Kim holds a PhD in computer science from Lehigh University, an MSE in computer graphics and game technology, and a BSE in computer science with minors in fine arts and psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.