Recent News

 Paper titled “On extraction, ranking and selection of data-driven and physics-informed features for bearing fault diagnostics” published in Knowledge-Based Systems. Authored by T. Mohamad, A. Abbasi, K. Kappaganthu, C. Nataraj.

 US Patent titled “Mechanical Ventilator Apparatuses And Methods Thereof” issued to Villanova University. Inventors: C. Nataraj, Garrett Clayton, Alfonso Ortega, Chris Townend.

 Nodycast episodes 5 and 6 are now live! Subject is “Nonlinear Developments in Mechanics”.

 Received a grant for our project titled “A computational model for ACL injuries in female soccer players” from CoE. Investigators: C. Nataraj, Garrett Clayton, Samar Azem, Ty Bigelow and Dieter Bender. 9/1/2023-8/31/2024, $25,000.

 Paper titled “CPR quality assessment using photoplethysmogram signal” accepted for American Heart Association’s Resuscitation Science Symposium 2023, to be held in Philadelphia in November.

 2023 edition of “Vibration: Theory and Practice”, Dr. Nataraj’s undergraduate textbook published by Lulu press.


Villanova Center for Analytics of Dynamic Systems (VCADS) focuses on the development of new tools and techniques for analytics of dynamic systems with applications in engineering and medicine. Research aims to determine how best to make use of this data to divine the underlying dynamics for analysis, diagnostics, prognostics and health management.